Marketing Campaigns
Google - “25 Years in Search”
Jordan “The Breakfast Club”
The Atlantic “Question Your Answers”
Jordan “Banned Remaster”
Chobani “Master of the Universe”
Duracell “Gamer”
Duracell “Ear Hair”
Nikon “Generation Image”
Chobani “Open Air”
Google “WNBA Tunnel Fashion”
Google “Career Certificates“
Chobani “Farmer”
Google “Critical Infrastructure“
EA Sports “The Cheat Code”
Google Arts and Cuture - “Ballroom in Focus”
Delta “12 Ambassador”
Jose Cuervo “Write Your Cinco”
Duracell “New Mom”
Nesquik “The Right Start”
Google “Zero Trust“
Google “American Infrastructure“
Google “Defending Small Businesses“
Google “Fairfield Schools“
General Mills “Cocoa Puffs with Stars”